A service finding icons on web sites

What Is This About?

Web sites used to have a favicon.ico, or not. With the introduction of the apple-touch-icon.png finding “the” icon for a site became more complicated. This service finds and — if necessary — generates icons for web sites.

Find Icon


You can just link to an icon using the required url and size parameters:


Find more detailed information in the Readme on GitHub.

Disclaimer & Self-hosting

I can’t guarantee this service will still be running in 10 years from now - sometimes you've got to move on.

That said, if you want to run this on your own machines you can head over to besticon on GitHub where you can find source code and instructions on how to install and run the server, it's quite easy.

Please feel free to open an issue over at GitHub if you happen to stumble upon an error or a site that does not work as expected.


Fortunately this site is able to rely on several fine pieces of work from others. I'd like to thank